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Last modified: 2023-06-07T14:00:44.000+02:00

echo -e "\033[33m--------------------------------------------------"
echo -e "Welcome to TroubleChute's PowerShell installer!"
echo -e "PowerShell should now be installed..."
echo -e "[Version 2023-06-06]\033[0m"
echo -e"This script is provided AS-IS without warranty of any kind. See &"
echo -e "\033[32m\nConsider supporting these install scripts:"
echo -e "\033[33m--------------------------------------------------\n\n\033[0m"

if [[ "$(uname -s)" == "Linux" ]]; then
    # Check if Apt is available to install and use lsb-release to get OS information
    if command -v apt-get >/dev/null 2>&1; then
        echo -e "\033[36mApt detected. Attempting to install lsb-release to check version info...\033[0m"
        apt-get update && apt-get install -y lsb-release && apt-get clean all
        if [[ -f "/etc/lsb-release" ]]; then
            . /etc/lsb-release
            if [[ "$DISTRIB_ID" == "Ubuntu" ]]; then
                echo -e "\033[36mUbuntu detected.\033[0m"
                # Install PowerShell -
                # Install pre-requisite packages.
                apt-get install -y wget apt-transport-https software-properties-common
                # Download the Microsoft repository GPG keys
                wget -q "$(lsb_release -rs)/packages-microsoft-prod.deb"
                # Register the Microsoft repository GPG keys
                dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb
                # Delete the the Microsoft repository GPG keys file
                rm packages-microsoft-prod.deb
                # Update the list of packages after we added
                apt-get update
                # Install PowerShell
                apt-get install -y powershell
                # Start PowerShell
            elif [[ "$ID" == "debian" ]]; then
                echo -e "\033[36mDebian detected.\033[0m"
                # Install for Debian
                if [[ "$VERSION_ID" == "11" ]]; then
                    echo -e "\033[36mDebian 11 to be specific.\033[0m"
                    # Install system components
                    apt update  && apt install -y curl gnupg apt-transport-https

                    # Import the public repository GPG keys
                    curl | apt-key add -

                    # Register the Microsoft Product feed
                    sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=amd64] bullseye main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/microsoft.list'

                    # Install PowerShell
                    apt update && apt install -y powershell

                    # Start PowerShell
                elif [[ "$VERSION_ID" == "10" ]]; then
                    echo -e "\033[36mDebian 10 to be specific.\033[0m"
                    # Download the Microsoft repository GPG keys

                    # Register the Microsoft repository GPG keys
                    dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb

                    # Update the list of products
                    apt-get update

                    # Install PowerShell
                    apt-get install -y powershell

                    # Start PowerShell
                    echo -e "\033[36mUnknown Debian version...\033[0m"
                    echo "This script is only for Debian 11 or Debian 10"
            elif [[ "$ID" == "raspbian" || "$ID" == "debian" ]]; then
                echo -e "\033[36mRaspbian detected.\033[0m"
                # Install for Raspbian
                if [[ "$VERSION_ID" =~ (9|10) ]]; then
                    echo -e "\033[36mRaspbian 9 or 10 detected.\033[0m"
                    # Prerequisites
                    apt-get update
                    apt-get install '^libssl1.0.[0-9]

TCNO TechNobo / TroubleChute © Wesley Pyburn (TroubleChute)
Support Me Privacy Policy Cookies Policy Terms of Service Contact
libunwind8 -y # Download and extract PowerShell wget mkdir ~/powershell tar -xvf ./powershell-7.3.4-linux-arm32.tar.gz -C ~/powershell # Start PowerShell ~/powershell/pwsh else echo -e "\033[36mUnsupported Raspbian version detected...\033[0m" echo "Please see:" fi fi else echo "Detected Linux, but could not install lsb-release using apt to check version information. See the following for more info:" echo "" fi elif [[ -f "/etc/redhat-release" ]]; then echo -e "\033[36mRHEL detected.\033[0m" # Install for RHEL if grep -q "release 8" /etc/redhat-release; then echo -e "\033[36mRHEL version 8 to be specific.\033[0m" # Register the Microsoft RedHat repository curl | tee /etc/yum.repos.d/microsoft.repo # Install PowerShell dnf install --assumeyes powershell # Start PowerShell pwsh elif grep -q "release 7" /etc/redhat-release; then echo -e "\033[36mRHEL version 7 to be specific.\033[0m" # Register the Microsoft RedHat repository curl | tee /etc/yum.repos.d/microsoft.repo # Install PowerShell yum install --assumeyes powershell # Start PowerShell pwsh else echo -e "\033[36mUnsupported RHEL version detected...\033[0m" echo "This script is only for RHEL 8 or RHEL 7" echo "Please see this for more information:" fi elif grep -q "Kali" /etc/os-release; then echo -e "\033[36mKali detected.\033[0m" # Install for Kali # Install PowerShell package apt update && apt -y install powershell # Start PowerShell pwsh elif [[ -f "/etc/alpine-release" ]]; then echo -e "\033[36mAlpine detected.\033[0m" # Install for Alpine # install the requirements apk add --no-cache ca-certificates less ncurses-terminfo-base krb5-libs libgcc libintl libssl1.1 libstdc++ tzdata userspace-rcu zlib icu-libs curl apk -X add --no-cache lttng-ust # Download the powershell '.tar.gz' archive curl -L -o /tmp/powershell.tar.gz # Create the target folder where powershell will be placed mkdir -p /opt/microsoft/powershell/7 # Expand powershell to the target folder tar zxf /tmp/powershell.tar.gz -C /opt/microsoft/powershell/7 # Set execute permissions chmod +x /opt/microsoft/powershell/7/pwsh # Create the symbolic link that points to pwsh ln -s /opt/microsoft/powershell/7/pwsh /usr/bin/pwsh # Start PowerShell pwsh elif command -v snap >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo -e "\033[36mSnap was detected. Installing using Snap instead.\033[0m" # Install with Snap: # Install PowerShell snap install powershell --classic # Start PowerShell pwsh else echo "Did not detect OS as supported Linux OS. Snap is also missing. See the following for more info:" echo "" fi elif [[ "$(uname -s)" == "Darwin" ]]; then echo -e "\033[36mMacOS detected.\033[0m" # ELSE FOR MAC if command -v brew >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo -e "\033[36mHomebrew is installed. Trying installation.\033[0m" # Install PowerShell with Homebrew brew install --cask powershell # Start PowerShell pwsh else read -p "Homebrew is not installed. Do you want to install it? [Y/n] " -n 1 -r echo if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then # Install Homebrew and PowerShell with Homebrew /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" brew install --cask powershell # Start PowerShell pwsh else echo -e "\033[36mHomebrew not detected.\033[0m" # Check if .NET Global is installed if command -v dotnet >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo -e "\033[36mDotnet detected. Attempting installation..\033[0m" # Install PowerShell with dotnet dotnet tool install --global PowerShell # Start PowerShell pwsh else echo -e "\033[36mAttempting manual install...\033[0m" # Check macOS architecture if [[ "$(uname -m)" == "x86_64" ]]; then echo -e "\033[36mOn x64 hardware.\033[0m" # Download PowerShell for x64 devices curl -L -o /tmp/powershell.tar.gz else echo -e "\033[36mOn M1 hardware.\033[0m" # Download PowerShell for M1 devices curl -L -o /tmp/powershell.tar.gz fi # Create the target folder where PowerShell is placed mkdir -p /usr/local/microsoft/powershell/7.3.4 # Expand PowerShell to the target folder tar zxf /tmp/powershell.tar.gz -C /usr/local/microsoft/powershell/7.3.4 # Set execute permissions chmod +x /usr/local/microsoft/powershell/7.3.4/pwsh # Create the symbolic link that points to pwsh ln -s /usr/local/microsoft/powershell/7.3.4/pwsh /usr/local/bin/pwsh # Start PowerShell pwsh fi fi fi else echo "This script is only for Linux or macOS" echo "See the following for information on installing PowerShell:" fi
TCNO TechNobo / TroubleChute © Wesley Pyburn (TroubleChute)
Support Me Privacy Policy Cookies Policy Terms of Service Contact